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Elegua is an orisha of the Yoruba religion. He is responsible for dividing heaven and earth and all paths to mankind are controlled by him. He loves to test the faith of humans and play tricks on them and he has the ability to appear at almost any age. He also is responsible for guarding the dead and he unlocks the door for the deceased to move through to their final resting place. He knows everything that is going on and can see it all. When you see a ceremony in Santeria, he is the first and last orisha that they...
The Undergoddess for the Niger River is Oya according to Yoruba mythology. She may also be called Yansan, and the full name is Oya Yansan which has the meaning "mother of nine." According to legend, all the cemeteries are hers. Some believe the cemeteries are her home, while others believe that she is the gatekeeper who allows the dead to enter. She is powerful, and is the ruler of the dead. Her elements are whirlwinds and tornadoes, especially those that come with lightning. As a warrior she battles at the side of Shango who is the god of thunder, lightning and fire. Her feast day is on February 2, and her symbols...
To followers of Santeria in the regions of Cuba and all throughout the world, stretching from Asia to North America, worship of the orisha known Yemaya is a prevalent thing. In thelucumi dialect,Yemaya is known as the universal mother, more pointedly, the ruler and queen of the oceans and all water. This connection also involves this universal ruler of the oceans and water makes her the patron orisha of women who give birth. It's believed that the flow of water, governed by yemaya will provide safe passage of the child through the birth canal resulting in a healthy and safe...
Letra del Año 2021 La Asociación Cultural Yoruba de Cuba
Letra del Año 2021 para Cuba En horas de la madrugada de este 1 de enero, como ya viene siendo tradición, un grupo de sacerdotes cubanos de la religión yoruba dieron a conocer la Letra del Año 2021 para Cuba, que contiene refranes y consejos para el año que comienza.En días recientes la Asociación Cultural Yoruba de Cuba había anunciado en su perfil en Facebook que, a consecuencia de la pandemia del coronavirus, las ceremonias se realizarían "a puertas cerradas" y sólo participarían "los Sacerdotes de La Comisión Organizadora y los Sacerdotes que han sido Convocados para no...
Ochosi is known as the Orisha of the hunt. He is also known as the patron saint of justice and empowers those hunting others who have committed criminal acts to be captured and jailed. He is also an excellent fisherman and can catch all sorts of fish that swim in the water, without effort. It is told that he does his magic in the deepest parts of the forest. He can heal the sick and destroy the wicked. He also mixes herbs and other potions to allow his bow to deal striking blows immediately. However, this deity wasn't always a deity. He was...